Saturday, March 12, 2011

All things yoga

My latest obsession... myyogaonline

I have signed up and only have good things to say. All you need is a laptop, yoga mat and your body. Too easy!

The site has a massive video selection of all types and all levels of yoga and pilates PLUS articles on health related topics, cooking, holistic living and the like. Yoga teachers from all over the world such as Shiva Rea and Judy Chapman have contributed to the class selection and they are added to frequently. If you want inspiration, education and your money's worth this is the place...

AND I am now contributing articles from my blog so it's another good reason to stop by. If you're a serious yoga buff then this place is close to heaven.



  1. I'm going to check this out! Started getting into yoga big time over the last two months. This sounds great:)

  2. It's a healthy practice you can start. There are various movement as well.

  3. I'm planning to start yoga and I'm glad I saw this blog. It's very helpful in a lot of ways. Good way to start indeed.

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