Monday, February 27, 2012

My New Blog!

Ok, my last post was just a quick hello for 2012 but shortly after writing it I had an idea to start a new blog. I love The Daily Ritual but my intuition told me to start something new.

I would like to introduce to you "Kitchen Fairy" where I'll be posting on all things healthy, in the kitch', a little more creative, a little less restrictive. Just a new place that I hope you enjoy as much as me.

Picking up off my last 2012 post, I really went with the flow on this one- this theory works!

Much Love,


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy 2012!

Another number ticks the calendar over, telling us a new year has begun. Although it seems nothing has really changed... the sun still rises, the stars twinkle and the moon does her thing.

Right now there are millions of people starting diets they will not finish, attempt new exercise programs, and aim to build healthy habits which are unlikely to be integrated into their life. As well as a bunch of other "stuff". I hope if you have made these resolutions at least some of them happen for you!

This isn't mine lol
To me this year is about letting go of goals and seeing what may come without any expectation.

Happy 2012!
