Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Raw food class by Remedy Bliss

Remedy in the kitchen

The lovely Remedy Bliss! I had been noticing this lady for a couple years, since I first became interested in raw nutrition. I had come along to Victoria Boutenko's green smoothie lecture when she toured in Adelaide with her daughter Valya and first noticed Remedy organising the event and offering raw food classes of her own.

I liked her, there was something "nice" about Remedy, more so very genuine and had that sparkle in her eye, only visible on the very healthy. Since then I had done some major reading on the subject and had attended David Wolfe when he came around this year and saw her again. This time I was impressed with the organisation of the event. Over 350 people in Adelaide attended (which is quite a lot for conservative little Adelaide) and she had a natural stage presence, which impressed me. So I signed up!

Four 4 hour raw food classes filled to the brim with information on natural health, raw food nutrition, superfood nutrition, recipes and more. Her style is down to earth, eco- friendly and factual. Her advice is delivered passionately, from personal experience, research and straight from the heart. Remedy used to study naturopathy and has been to the Tree of Life Rejuvenation centre in Arizona. For people that don't know the Tree of Life centre is run by Dr Gabriel Cousens, a medical doctor specialising in reversing diabetes and other serious degenerative illnesses. Among many of his treatments, raw food nutrition is the diet of choice, which focuses on green fresh foods and no animal products. Quite literally, people walk out after embarking on a specific program and have reversed their conditions.

The most beautiful sauce you'll EVER taste!

Cashew Alfredo Sauce

My dinner for the evening...

Chia seed, persimmon and passion fruit pudding, with vanilla cashew cream on top!
Some of the raw food recipes covered   
Muesli and Granola- gluten free, sugar free, chemical free and 100% raw and delicious!
Vanilla Nut Milk- made using organic almonds and FRESH vanilla pods
Sweet Potato Salad- a different way to use sweet potato, perfect for a BBQ side dish
Green Smoothies- the healthy staple
Green Wraps and Pesto- much tastier and more satisfying than it sounds
Super Food Bliss Balls- my favourite
Chocolate Mousse Parfait- easy win
Almond Dream Truffle- these taste like chocolate crackles (made from Coco pops and served at every birthday party when you were a kid) but BETTER


  1. wow, that all looks so delicious. I feel healthier just reading this article.

  2. Just got back from a Raw Food Demo and Talk with Remedy Bliss and I am so Inspired. Can't wait to do her Raw Food workshop. When you hear her speak you can't help but change the way you look at food and have a deeper understanding about what we are doing to our bodies.
