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but a bit more drizzly...
Firstly, it's quite natural to have a daily, monthly, yearly lull. I can't imagine it being normal to feel super perky ALL the time. Life fluctuates and we tend to follow its lead. Your mood can be directly related to your energy levels. If you have energy, chances are you'll feel happier and more positive, unless you have a current trying personal experience. When you come home from work, your energy has been used up in the day and yes the thought of achieving that goal of yours seems too hard. Being a female, the monthly cycle demands you take a break, reflect and start a new cycle.
If you look at nature's cycles, you can see the trees have dropped their leaves. There are very few flowers, the animals seem to hibernate and sleep more. Naturally your energy turns inward to conserve and build reserves just like like the rest of the world. You can still feel healthy and energetic in winter but it is still normal to feel more introverted in the cooler months.
Ways to improve your mood
The sun goes away for a while and the world looks a little glum, is it no wonder why Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or mood changes occur when the sun shines less. Some of my most blissful moments are in the warmth of the sun, especially mid morning with a cup of tea and or enjoying the beach weather. If you get very little or no sun exposure, not only is your vitamin D production at risk but you just don't feel or look right. If you were to starve a plant of sunlight, you can imagine what would happen to the poor thing. If the world were to suddenly become sunless, we would die too.
I don't suggest roasting yourself or being careless with sun exposure, especially if you live in Australia or have a family history of skin cancer but I suggest you allow some natural exposure, especially if you spend a lot of time indoors. Try 10 to 15 minutes a day. The darker your skin is naturally, the more sun exposure you need.
Follow this link to read up on the health benefits of sunlight http://www.naturalnews.com/rr-sunlight.html
I feel like a broken record but I guess diet is fundamental to all that I do. It's harder to eat "healthy" when the weather is gloomy, it just doesn't have that comfort factor we all crave. No doubt, we need nutrition to keep us energetic, operating smoothly and thinking clearly. The easiest way to eat better when the winter temptations come out is to plan ahead. Carby cravings need to be satisfied with whole grains, good fats and healthy desserts. Your vegetable dishes may need a heartier spin on them choosing seasonally. Nice choices are pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot, turnips, parsnip, brussel sprouts, broccoli and beetroot. Things like cabbage, kale, fennel and avocado can be sliced finely with added herbs and a nice vinagrette or glaze and you have a fresh winter side dish. Try and immitate "comfort" food and replace any questionable ingredients with healthy produce. For example, a standard greasy lasagne can be filled with almost any winter root vegetable, mushrooms and a creamy cashew or ricotta sauce instead of a yellow cheesy sauce.
It has to be raw, vegan and organic. Not raw as in straight off the plant but as in how much heat is applied during its processing. Keeping the chocolate bean (cacao bean) under a certain temperature keeps its nutrients in tact. It also has amazing mood enhancing properites. Ever have a mid afternoon slump? Eat a small amount of raw chocolate, it will not only boost your mood but it will speed up your metabolism and give you more energy. This doesn't work for everyone, some people are very sensitive to the sharp energy boost cacao can give you and make you grumpy instead. Either make sure you only have a small amount or make sure it's not on an empty stomach.
Loving Earth Chocolate
The thought of facing the wind, rain and cold can keep me in doors at the best of times but I find this is easier to tackle if you do the following things.
* Make a set time
* Select and ideal routine (with a plan B if you need one)
* Make sure you put on the suitable clothes to make it happen (if it's an outdoor one, wear protective and warming clothing)
* Start small (20mins) then increase as necessary
* Keep it simple, if all you can do is a longer walk to the car or just around the block then great. The fresh air and circulation boost will put you in a better mood than you thought.
* Choose an indoor activity that gets you moving, even a yoga, pilates, dance classes are all things you can do inside.
* Dust of the yoga DVD's and make the decision to do only half. By the time you're into it you'll want to finish it and even if you don't, you've done what you agreed to do! Enroll in a class, there are some amazing ones out there...
If you struggle to be your own motivator, which we all do at times then hire some help. Ask around and find a good personal trainer that can take you through an 8 week program. You'll always show up (unless you'e unwell then you come see me!) and THEY do all the thinking/ planning for you. They will push you when you need it and you'll walk (or limp hehe) away feeling good about yourself. Then as the weather warms up, take a break and get yourself ready for some outdoor activity.
Oh you've all tried that I hear, well not enough! Either repeat your affirmations until you, your body and your emotions relfect what you're saying or find another method such as hypnosis or neuro linguistic programing NLP to help you do it.
Use your imagination and create a short affirmation, using positive language and a present tense. Something like "I feel better everyday on every level, I love being healthy" or "I only choose the best foods for my body" or "I have an infinite source of energy". These are just examples and you can tailor them to suit your own needs but write them down, say them, think them and look at them when you need a pick me up. They work but only if you apply yourself. I've written these on my body, my mirrors at home, I have post-it stickers everywhere encouraging me to think better- even if slightly embarrasing at times.
Louise L. Hay
Shakti Gawain
The power of a good tune. Have you ever been driving along and an old favourite comes on? Suddenly you're in a great mood and all is well in the world and vice versa have you ever been driving along and a song comes on that made you feel sad? If you've been feeling down lately make a habit of putting on your favourite music. In the clinic I always have calming, tinkly, music both in the waiting and the treatment room- amongst the other mood setters like incense, essential oils, lighting... People love to listen to the rain, thunder and ocean and it calms them down almost immediately.
Sometimes we just need a break from everything and especially in the winter. What looks or feels like a down mood might just be a bodily request for a nap, or a night in or some time spent for yourself. Sometimes that request can seem to go on forever but really, once fullfilled your good mood returns. What goes up must come down and what goes down must come up again.
Respect the fact that you will have emotional fluctuations because that's the human experience. We feel things and when life isn't relfecting what we truly desire then we feel the consequences of that. The other point is, if you've been through trying experiences then you will have to deal with the emotions that come along with them ie a break up, death, betrayal, unsatisfying job...
I find I learn the most when I'm working through a "down time" whereas if everything was "rosie" it's a stand still, enjoying the moment type experience. I embrace the changes because they are transformative.
Nature is an antidote to stress. She seems to calm down and simplify everything. From a theoretical perspective, places with moving water and/ or plenty of trees emit negative ions which promote a calm disposition and are good for us. Positive ions are emitted from computers, T.V's phones etc and because we are surrounded by so much, it is very "ungrounding." Everyone feels better after a walk on the beach or in the park.
Me Time
Self explanatory really. I get a bit anxious if I don't have enough time to think. Some people need more time for themselves, while some need to get out and see more people. Work out where you sit on that scale...
sound advice. natures continuum is a seamless rhythm. getting in touch with the earth skin to skin has helped me dramatically. for those cold winter months i bring the earths negative charge inside with the new grounding equipment. and i've allowed myself to surrender to the siren call of the nap spirit. nature is well balanced and beautiful. your life perspective is an eloquent reflection.
ReplyDeleteThis is all good advice, for all year round, not just for winter.
ReplyDeleteHehe I suppose you're right Frazer :)
ReplyDeleteI am yet to try the Earthing technology... Something around my computer might be ideal